The Self-Health Revolution Posted on 5 Apr 12:12 , 0 comments

Your self-Health Revolution

As humans we are continually searching for ways to improve our health and habits. We try to choose the best foods to make us feel and look younger. However, we have grown to rely on our food manufacturers for so long we lost track of how they prepare our food and how unhealthy it has become. A lot of food is not as good for you as it used to be. Many companies in the food industry don't want you to know this either. If you're thinking about or trying to be on a healthy diet, this is a big problem for you. It's time for you to put your foot forward and make the life change for you. Don't let the food industry control you.

Read all about it

Looking for a way to start or continue to living a healthy lifestyle? J. Michael Zenn has written a book about the way he discovered the secrets that many people don't know about. In his novel, The Self Health Revolution, Zenn unveils the covered up truth about the self-health revolution that could change your life. He introduces the secret ways he lost fifty pounds and six inches off his waist within just a few months and you can too.

His book was praised by doctors, health experts and readers who have taken their own self-health challenge and unearthed the benefits of the self-health Revolution. He shares a 10 day challenge that helps your body to function properly, burn fat, fight disease, remove toxins, ward off chronic illness and can help extend your life. The simple health challenge you can experience is one that could save your life. Zenn used simple yet dramatic methods to improve his diet and everyday habits.Self-health is not a diet or detox.It’s a revolution. It is about feeding the body more wonderful foods and plant nutrients than it has ever seen before. Some of the habits may even stick with you after the 10-day challenge is over.

The Self Health Revolution also reveals:

  • 3 Simple ways to get and stay fit
  • Hidden ingredients in common processed foods
  • The "Tsunami of Diabesity" (Obesity +Diabetes)
  • A cure that your doctor may not know about or can’t tell you
  • And so much more!

What are some of the tips covered?

Of course we want to know what we will need to do in order to jump in on this challenge. Here are a few of the basic strategies to consider that Zenn talks about in his book that can be easily added to any lifestyle. A more in depth explanation about these 5 strategies are available in The Self Health Revolution.

  1. Feed Your Body First
  2. Use a Smaller Plate
  3. Fill Up On Living Foods First
  4. Don't Make Any Food Off Limits
  5. Remember, You Are What You Eat…

Who is it for?

The self-health revolution is for anyone looking to better their health, stay fit or improve their diet. If you're looking to challenge yourself and make a difference for you, you've come to the right place.

Do It For You!

You now have the power and knowledge to make positive changes in your life. We all have the ability and power to choose our paths, so why not give it a try? You never know you could grow to love the new energy and motivation you have discovered. Make the most of it and better yourself now! A copy of the book is available on Herbal Face Foods webpage for only $12.00.